
Acknowledgment of Country

We would like to acknowledge that our school stands on the traditional lands of the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation. We respect and honour Elders past and present for they hold the stories, traditions, and continuing culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples on country. We commit to building a brighter future together.

Connection to First Nations People

Our aim is to build a strong connection to First Nations people throughout our school. Our public art work is the Goort Gwabba Maia - 'joyful, Aboriginal shelter' which was designed by Justin Martin, a respected and highly regarded Noongar artist. It is a beautiful creation that is used as an outdoor learning space as well as a favourite play area for our children during breaks. You can connect with Justin, and his business, Djurandi Dreaming here: https://www.djurandi.com.au/#welcome 

Goort Gwabba Maia

Each of our teaching blocks are named for the Noongar seasons: Kambarang, Birak, Boonaroo, Djiran, Mookaroo, & Djilba. Our Administration building is named "Djiraly Djinda" meaning 'North Star'; our Staff Lounge is "Balannup" meaning 'place of people', our Conference Room is "Beedawong" meaning 'meeting place', our Interview Room is "Dandjoo waangkaniny" meaning 'together talking'; and our library is "Boola Bardip" meaning 'many stories'. 

Throughout our Administration building, you will see the artwork of Rosie Paine, a proud Yilka/Wongutha/Noongar/Yamatji artist. Her art includes 'Emu in the Sky' and the 'Seven Sisters' both constellations in the Southern Sky. You can connect with Rosie through her facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/p/Rosie-Made

We have an amazing 'Kaya/Welcome' sign at the entrance to our school which was created by Mark Littlepage of Razoreye Design. It is a unique design showing the connection between the traditional custodians of the land the school is situated on, the Whadjuk people, and our school. You can connect with Mark here: https://razoreye.com.au/