Physical Education

Our school has two full-time Physical Education (PE) Specialist Teachers. Students engage in weekly PE lessons to build Fundamental Movement Skills and learn a variety of sports including: cross-country, AFL, soccer, netball, cricket, flagbelt rugby, basketball, volleyball, and ultimate frisbee. Students participate in In-Term Swimming for two weeks each year. 

Each student has an allocated House that remains the same throughout their time at our school. Siblings are placed in the same House. There are four houses, named after bright stars of the southern sky, and represented by four different colours and mascots:

  • Sirius – Green – Koolbardi (Magpie)
  • Bellatrix – Blue – Waalitj (Eagle)
  • Rigel – Red – Karrakin (Red-tailed Black Cockatoo)
  • Hadar – Yellow – Kaa-Kaa (Kookaburra)

House Athletics Carnival

Our annual House Athletics Carnival provides an opportunity for students to participate in friendly athletic competition to foster sportsmanship, school spirit, fair play, and team work. Our students engage in fun games and events of physical fitness and skill. They prepare for the day with training during sports lessons, Junior and Senior Sport sessions prior to the carnival. Families are encouraged to come along to cheer on their children and join in the fun.   

Kindy and Pre-Primary Sports Carnival

All Kindergarten and Pre-Primary students participate in a separate Sports Carnival run over one morning towards the end of Term 3. It incorporates both tabloid team games and running events. The purpose of the carnival is for students to have fun in a friendly, competitive environment. Students compete in House groups.

Junior & Senior Sport  

Students in Year 3 & 4 participate in Junior Sport and students in Years 5 & 6 participate in Senior Sport. There are usually three sports to choose from. The sports change each term to align with those taught during Physical Education lessons and in interschool sport carnivals. Each lesson incorporates a warm up, skill focus, and game. 

Interschool Sports

Students in Year 5 & 6 have the opportunity to be selected to participate in Interschool Carnivals with other schools from the Nicholson Network. These include: Summer Carnival, Winter Carnival, Cross-Country, AFL Womens, Soccer, and Athletics.