Parents & Citizens Association

An active P&C Association is a key community group in our school. They provide feedback to the Principal and support the strategic direction of the school, including fundraising when required, to support teaching and learning programs.

Past fundraisers and events include: Slime Run, School Disco, Dress up days, Icy pole Fridays, Lapathon, Mother’s & Father’s Day stalls/raffles.

Our P&C meet twice a term (Weeks 2 and 7) on a Tuesday at 6pm in Balannup (Staff Lounge). Any fundraising the P&C chooses to do will benefit the whole school community and be something that remains at the school for the benefit of present and future students.

Please consider joining our P&C. It only costs $1 to join. It is a great way to make new friends and be involved in the decision-making for our school. In 2024 NHPS P&C are working towards playground equipment.

The 2024 Executive Committee members are;

  • President: Keith Savige
  • Vice President: Brett Riley
  • Treasurer: Sonia Rodgers
  • Secretary: Jaye Bredice
  • Executive members: Emily Gill, Rebecca Toogood, Thuan Tran and Filiz Shah.


You can contact your P&C below

You can also follow NHPS P&C on Facebook

You can also follow NHPS P&C school events on

Here are some important documents from WA Council of State School Organisations (WACSSO) outlining the roles and responsibilities of P&C Associations:

Effective P&C

2023 P&C Handbook


Parent Representatives 2024

At North Harrisdale Primary school we are grateful for parent involvement. We are hoping to implement a classroom parent representative, whose role is to support the class, school and community. Parent representatives provide a link between class, school and P&C. They communicate important information about the everyday happenings and support where they can.

Contact the P&C for more information on the classroom representative and/or ask your classroom teacher how you can support the class, school and community.

P&C Events 2024

Term 1

Friday Icy poles

Term 2

Mother’s Day Stall

Winter Disco

Term 3

Father’s Day Raffle

Term 4

Friday Icy poles

Colour Run