External Therapists

Speech Therapy & Occupational Therapy

We partner with Down South Therapy Services to provide greater accessibility for families wanting Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy for their child to support their Documented Plans at school. The cost of the service is provided by families to Down South Therapy directly, either through private health funding or NDIS funding. The school is simply providing an office space for the therapists on site. The process is as follows:

  • Families complete the 'External Providers Family Request Form' and 'External Providers Service Schedule'. These are Department of Education requirements for approving access to students during school hours by external service providers. These need to be returned to the Deputy Principal: Student Services. Therapy plans must link to goals & outcomes in the student's Documented Plan.
  • Once approval is granted, families contact Down South Therapy administration directly to organise times for the session/s to occur. We aim for all sessions to take place after 12pm so as not to interrupt core learning in literacy.

Families are welcome to continue to use their current service provider or any other company in Speech Therapy or Occupational Therapy if they so wish. If access is sought during school hours, the two forms mentioned above will need to be completed and submitted for approval.

Other Therapists

If you wish to have an external Therapy Provider come in during school hours to conduct therapy with your child, please complete the following forms and return to our Deputy Principal: Student Services for approval:

NHPS External Service Providers Family Request Form.pdf

NHPS External Service Providers Service Schedule.pdf