Remote Learning

To mitigate the potential impact of a forced school closure where physical attendance by students is not permitted but schools remain open for learning, the staff at North Harrisdale Primary have developed a remote learning plan named ‘Learning at Home’.

The purpose of this plan is to support the continuation of learning by providing families with a weekly collection of activities that are aligned to the Western Australian curriculum and that can be completed in the home environment. In creating this plan, the staff recognise that it cannot entirely replicate face-to-face teaching, but leverages a combination of online, hands-on, and paper-based activities to engage students in authentic educational tasks.

Families will have choice as to when activities are completed within a week, and this in response to many families indicating that they have more than one child needing to access devices and requiring parental support. However, all students are encouraged to complete the ‘daily check-in’ activity promptly, and student engagement in activities will be monitored by teachers.

Families are also encouraged to plan a weekly schedule with students to map out what they can expect to occur when and where during a week, including recess and lunch breaks. This may enhance the feelings of comfort and stability for students, and to avoid excessive ‘screen time’.

Preparation for ‘Learning at Home’

Families can take the following steps to prepare themselves for the event of a school closure:

  • Ensure that your contact details, including email address and mobile telephone number are up-to-date with the school.
  • Connect yourself to your child’s class Seesaw account by contacting their classroom teacher via email or in person.
  • Connect yourself to the school’s Compass application by accessing a welcome email sent at your time of enrolment.
  • Prepare a spare set of classroom resources ready for student use at home i.e., pens, pencils, ruler, and paper.

Learning at Home Resources

The Seesaw application will be the primary method of providing learning resources to families:

  • Student learning resources will be made available by 10.00am every Monday morning for printing at home.
  • Students will use the Seesaw application to submit completed work to their teacher by Friday at 12.00pm.
  • A general activity guide with extra activities is available here: ‘Learning at Home’ 

Communication Expectations

The following guidelines seek to define the communication expectations between families and staff:

  • Teachers will post a welcome video to Seesaw at the commencement of each week.
  • Teachers will provide acknowledgement and feedback on up to three items of work submitted by a student each week. 
  • Students will be asked to complete a ‘daily check-in’ activity on Seesaw to monitor their engagement and well-being.
  • Families are encouraged to check the school’s communication channels for regular updates.
  • Students deemed at academic and/or social risk will receive a telephone call from their teacher during each week.

Please note: Teachers will have many responsibilities during this time and will be unable to provide individual tuition or extensive communication to any individual student or family. During a time of disruption, families must also prioritise the health and wellbeing of their children and other relatives.

Setting Up a Home Learning Environment

The Department of Education has created a ‘Learning At Home’ website designed to provide general advice to schools, teachers, and families. This website can be accessed through the link below.

Department of Education – Learning At Home

Within this website there is advice for families for how to set up a learning environment at home. A link to this specific section can be found below.

Setting Up a Home Learning Environment


During times of uncertainty and stress, it is common for students to feel a sense of uneasiness about the future and their position in the world. Should you have any concerns about the mental well-being of your child, please consult with a qualified medical practitioner.