School Hours

What does our day look like?

8.15 am            Enter classroom & morning activity

8.30 am           Lessons commence

11.30 am          Lunch

12.05 pm         Lessons resume

1.30 pm            Afternoon Recess

1.45 pm            Lessons resume

2.30 pm           School ends

Staff will be available 15 minutes before and after school to supervise children. Before this time, teachers have a responsibility for classroom preparation, and supervision of children is difficult.  Hence, for safety reasons, children should not come to school before 8.15am.

Any student arriving before 8:15am must wait outside their classroom door, seated on the benches, until their teacher opens the classroom for students to come in and set up for the day and complete morning activities.

School commences promptly at 8.30am.  We ask your assistance in ensuring children arrive on time and come prepared for their day’s lessons. 

Students arriving after 8:40am need to sign in at the front office and collect a Late Note which is then handed to their teacher.  

Families collecting children are respectfully asked to do so promptly at 2:30pm. Children who are not engaged in organised after school activities should leave promptly at the final bell and be away from the school grounds by 2:45pm.


Office Hours

8.00am - 4.00pm