Digital Technologies & eSports

Digital Technologies provides students with practical opportunities to use design thinking and to be innovative developers of digital solutions and knowledge. Digital Technologies enables students to become innovative creators of digital solutions, effective users of digital systems and critical consumers of information conveyed by digital systems.


eSports are video games that are played in a highly organised competitive environment. As a school we focus on team-orientated battle arenas such as Rocket
League and Mario Kart and virtual reconstructions of physical sports such as Just Dance. eSports are one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Organised eSports help our students develop key skills such as team building, collaboration and problem solving skills.

The Fuse Cup

Our students participate in the national and international competitions for The Fuse Cup. There is a dedicated competition for students in Year 5 & 6. Each term, students participate in a face to face competition with local schools and an online international competition. The competitions are delivered via Nintendo Switch consoles as they are easy to set up, require very little technical experience/knowledge, offer schools maximum value for investment, and allow 4 players to play at once. The Fuse Cup promotes four core values which set the foundation for game play. These are: Integrity, Strength, Inclusion, & Teamwork.