
Our school aims to be at the forefront of using the science of learning to arouse curiosity and inspire children to question, solve problems, and challenge themselves. We draw upon research in Mind, Brain, Education (MBE) or educational neuroscience to inform the teaching strategies and techniques we use to engage students in learning.

When we understand how the brain learns and remembers, and we teach this to children, we are more effective educators and students are more effective learners. We use the model of the ‘learning pit’ to represent how we learn new concepts. It involves challenge, mistakes, and collaboration to climb out of ‘the pit’.

We are committed to deep learning and building the core competencies of critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, character and citizenship. Engaging in innovative, inquiry projects based in Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) provides the framework to develop these competencies.

Strive for Excellence

We aim to be a high-performing school of excellence where students are encouraged to strive to exceed their potential. Every child is supported to experience success.

Having high expectations and making learning visible for students and educators makes a significant impact on their achievement.

We are proactive in enriching learning opportunities for students by engaging in external competitions and activities.  Children are at the forefront of every decision and action we take.